EU VAT Compass 2017/2018
Why this book?
Encompassing the most important features of the European Union's VAT system, the EU VAT Compass 2017/2018 is an essential source of reference for all those actively working or interested in VAT. The book consists of three parts, each comprising a vital element of the EU VAT system.
Main contents
Part One presents the consolidated text of the current EU VAT Directive (No. 2006/112), as most recently amended by Directive 2016/1065; it also contains the texts of several other Directives in the field of VAT. All amendments made to the basic VAT Directive under Directive 2008/8, and the text of Implementing Regulation 282/2011, as amended by Regulations 967/2012 and 1042/2013, are included.
For the interpretation of the EU VAT legislation, the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ) is an indispensable element. Part Two provides an overview of both the operative parts of the more than 800 ECJ judgments in VAT cases and the pending cases that are expected to lead to judgments in the course of 2017 and 2018.
The book concludes with an overview of the options laid down by the VAT Directive that have been taken up by the individual Member States. This comprehensive analysis covers all EU Member States, including the United Kingdom.
Detail Information
Call Number |
04 EUV fab
Publisher | IBFD : The Netherlands., 2017 |
Collation |
vi, 812 18.5cm
Language |
Classification |
04 EUV fab
Edition |
Subject(s) |